Hello friend!  My name is La La (Angela)

And I am brimming with messages for humanity
during this crazy time on our planet!
This will be the focus of my upcoming vlog.

Until then, here's what else I'm passionate about:

Massage Therapy

A massage with me will BLISS YOU OUT.  I have magic hands that will calm the body, quiet the mind and soothe your emotions.

Fire & LED Dancing

I offer entertainment/ fire medicine for special occasions.  I am trained to safely "dance" with different props set on fire...

Hula Hoop

Get nostalgic.  Get back into a hula hoop!  I make my own adult-size hoops and host events in the park for all ages and skill levels.

Geodesic Domes

Curious about dome homes?

Welcome to La La Land!  

Things are ALWAYS working out for you!

Life has your back.

You appreciate who you are.  (Self-Love)

It feels GOOD to be YOU.

You always have plenty... 

Whatever you need in the moment.

You enjoy being focused here in a body,

with your brilliant mind and helpful emotions.

You feel safe, happy!  at ease, at peace,
And eager for what is yet to come.

Life is good and ALL IS WELL.

(New youtube content coming soon.)

A little about me...

I've been a massage therapist since 2004 and studying metaphysical/spiritual stuff for as long as I can remember.  What I've come to realize has truly helped me live a more joyful, satisfying life! 

For 6 glorious years, my husband and I lived and traveled in a 3o-foot 5th-wheel RV.  Much of our time was spent in Sedona, Arizona.

Life took a huge turn on us in July 2023 when my beloved passed very suddenly.
I still spend some of Summer in Minnesota and Winter in Arizona.