Massage Therapy

Soothing touch for body, mind and heart.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the time La La and I have shared together.  She is an incredible body and energy worker.  She brings a range of skill to her practice and holds a beautiful, kind, healing presence.  So grateful for this being and I would absolutely recommend her to anyone. 
-Malaya Ellesmore in Cottonwood, AZ

Angela is currently in the Sedona, AZ area.

A massage with me will BLISS YOU OUT.

Gentle, yet deep... my magic hands will melt muscle tension while we calm the mind and soothe the spirit.

Experience greater peacefulness and
alignment with Who You Really Are.

90-minute sessions done in the comfort of your home.

Text, call or email for availability.

Professional Education/ Background

My massage training is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (like Acupuncture),
and I learned a type of therapy called Shiatsu.

The accredited school I attended was very small.  It was intimate and wonderful.  I enjoyed that time of my life very much.   It is now called East West Massage School, still located in Iowa City, Iowa.  I graduated in 2004 as a certified massage therapist and Reiki practitioner.  And within a couple years of my practice, I had learned Swedish techniques from colleagues.

  I've since been blending these 3 modalities together and soothing as many people as I can!

About my practice

I left Minnesota in 2017 to live full-time in an RV and travel.
I closed down my 12-year massage therapy practice in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 
Most of my stuff I sold before the move, but I kept my massage table. 
Being I lived in a tiny house, I had no room to set up and practice in, so I didn't use it for 2 years. 
Instead, I found myself hiking and exploring around northern Arizona, mostly near Sedona.

As is typical to therapists of my kind though, I began to miss sharing massages.
So I started offering casual, in-home sessions to close friends, and then some referrals.   
The break I had proved very restorative for me, and sharing what I do is now even more fun!

This is no longer my career, but simply my passion:

Sessions done in the comfort of your home.
Average session lasts 90 minutes.
Pay me whatever you want.  I don't charge a rate.

Shiatsu, Reiki, and Swedish Massage

Sessions may be done with clothing on or off- details below

Shiatsu  (Shee-AHT-soo)

is based on the same principles as acupuncture:  There are lines of energy that run up and down the body, and when they're stimulated at certain points, it affects our organs, emotions, pain response, etc.
So often I am asked if Shiatsu hurts, and my answer is NO, it typically feels good.  (And with me it definitely feels good.  That's what I'm all about.) 
Yes, we might discover some tender spots, but overall it's really a relaxing journey through the energetics of the body.
Over the years I've found that most people who respond well to acupuncture really enjoy Shiatsu!  
Here's how it works:
Instead of sticking needles into several specific points of the body, I use my fingers, thumbs and palms to stimulate almost EVERY (acu)point you've got.  This mindful touch unblocks stagnant energy, relaxes the muscles and activates your natural healing response.
Shiatsu is extremely grounding and can do wonders for anxiety and overall tension.
Traditionally and as I practice it, the client remains in their clothing (something comfortable and non-restricting). 
If you are new to massage and hesitant to receive one, Shiatsu can be a nice way to ease yourself into the world of such therapies.

Reiki  (Ray-Key)

translates (roughly, mind you) as "light source energy", or "universal healing energy".
Reiki has ancient roots that hail from Japan. 
I'm told it was "lost" for a period of time and rediscovered by a man named Dr. Usui in the 1920s. 
I'm the first to admit, there is a lot that I do not understand about Reiki, even though I've been sharing and using it for years!  But this much I do know:  it is a loving energy that cannot do harm.  It won't give you more than you can handle, yet it is gentle, and very powerful for some people.
Like Shiatsu, the client lays comfortably on a massage table with their clothing on.  But unlike Shiatsu, I simply lay or hover my hands over different areads of the body for a couple minutes at a time, letting the energy flow.  Both sides of the body are addressed and a typical sessions lasts about 50 minutes.
Reiki is said to work within the electromagnetic field of the body.  Some people experience physical sensations within the body, sometimes not even where my hands are focusing.   Others report seeing, hearing, or sensing colors, messages, light, etc.  While others may experience nothing out of the ordinary, other than an overall sense of relaxation.
Since I prefer doing 90 minute sessions, I offer a full-body Reiki experience with a blend of massage thrown in (Head, scalp, neck, shoulders, hands, back and feet.)

Swedish Massage

is (probably) the most commonly-offered technique out there.  (AKA a typical massage.) 
For Swedish massage, the client removes their clothing and lays under a sheet and blanket.  Massage cream, oil or lotion is applied to the skin that allow for fluid, gliding strokes that move blood toward the heart.  This style of massage generally works on the soft tissue and muscles for both detoxification and relaxation.


The bodywork I have received from La La over the last 9 years has consistently been top-notch and some of the best I have ever experienced.  La La's calm presence and the warm, inviting atmosphere she creates for her sessions instills a sense of relaxation before her hands even begin their magic.  La La works with an intuitive knowledge that helps to release old energy from the body, mind and soul.  I've always been left with resultant peace and noticeable pain relief after her sessions. 
Your body deserves the gift of massage from La La!   

-Veronika Grace from Minneapolis, MN

Dear Angela,
I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredibly rejuvenating and soothing experience I had during my Shiatsu session with you. 

Your skillfull touch coupled by your warm ad compassionate demeanor, created an environment of pure serenity and healing.
Your expertise in the art of Shiatsu is truly remarkable.  Your hands seemed to intuitively know exactly where my body needed the most attention, and which each gentle press and precise movement, you were able to release the knots and tightness that had been weighing me down.  I could feel the energy flowing freely throughout my body, bringing about a deep sense of relaxation and harmony.
Beyond your technical skills, Angela, it is your genuine kindness and nurturing nature that truly sets you apart.  Throughout the session, you created a space where I felt seen, heard and valued as an individual.  Your nurturing touch extended beyond the physical, reaching deep within my spirit, leaving me feeling not only physically revitalized, but also emotionally uplifted.
Thank you Angela for the incredible experience you provided.  Your massage was not merely a treatment but a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery.  I wholeheartedly recommend your services to anyone seeking solace, relaxation and rejuvenation.  Your passion for what you do shines through in every aspect of your practice and I am grateful to have crossed paths with such a gifted and compassionate massage therapist.
With deep gratitude and warmest wishes
-June Kramer in Sedona, AZ